How close are NYC’s multifamily buildings to complying with Local Law 97, and how can they get there?
Current benchmarking of building performance provides data on a monthly basis. Taylor Duncan and Molly-Dee Ramasamy think we can do better.
A proposed bill would expand benchmarking and energy disclosure requirements to buildings larger than 10,000 SF.
NYC site energy use and carbon emissions both decreased in 2020.
For New York City to reach our goals, we must electrify most of our energy use. Is our grid ready to power this new way of life?
Our 2021 conference explored the ways we can optimize policy and building design to advance climate, equity, and health.
Learn more about the energy used by NYC’s large buildings and whether they’re on track to meet the city’s climate goals.
Now armed with a decade of data, how are NYC’s buildings doing in cutting emissions?
Join Sophie and John as they discuss how NYC can utilize hydropower to reduce carbon emissions.
A trading program for NYC’s buildings could lead to cost-effective carbon savings.
Our 2020 conference asked: How can we pave the path for a cleaner power grid in New York City?
With the long-term challenge of decarbonizing NYC’s electricity in mind, where do we stand today?
Statewide climate targets are driving New York to a low-carbon electrical grid, encouraging electrification.
NYC’s forward-thinking energy code is a critical building block for a low-carbon future.