This class is now FULL. Please look at our event page for all other course offerings, this class will be offered again on a monthly basis.
Course Overview
After designing and constructing a building to comply with the energy code, the last thing a project team needs is trouble with documentation and code enforcement. Crushing the Code NYS: Demonstrate Compliance prepares building and design professionals in New York State to demonstrate that their project complies with the 2020 Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State (ECCCNYS).
In this session, students will learn how to properly prove that their project complies with the energy code. This course will cover topics related to both the Commercial and Residential energy code for New York State.
What you’ll learn
By the end of this 2 hour course, participants will be able to:
- Recognize the different stakeholders involved in energy code compliance and enforcement, and the responsibilities of each.
- Identify the construction documents and supporting documentation that is recommended or required for code compliance.
- Describe the required tests and visual inspections that projects will need to complete before a building can be occupied.
- Understand the best practices for commissioning, functional testing, and providing O&M information to the building operations staff for code compliance.
Who is this for?
This training is recommended for architects, engineers, code enforcement officials, contractors, building owners and operators and students working towards a career in the building industry. Learn more about the Energy Code and if this training is right for you.
How it works
Each Crushing the Code training is live, taught remotely on Zoom, and led by a certified instructor with more than seven years of professional experience. Register for an upcoming class and put your energy code confusion to rest!
If you have previously taken an 8-hour Crushing the Code NYS training, this 2-hour training contains similar content, reformatted into a shorter module.
Not sure where to start? Here’s how our newly restructured 2-hour trainings fit together. Take one standalone training, or take an entire series at your convenience.